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The Beginners Guide to How to Start an Online Business in the Pockets of Your Time
I see you mama. You’ve got BIG dreams, but your full-time job and raising a family take up most of your time. I am all too familiar with this scenario. Not only that, you have no idea where to even start when it comes to designing an online business.
Five years ago I knew nothing about online business, and everytime I decided to start, I lost steam and gave up because of life, work, and family. And I was exhausted.
One day I said screw it! I need to find a more efficient way to make this dream happen. I decided to stop trying to be an overnight success and I stopped giving myself unrealistic deadlines. I just stopped beating myself up about it!
I committed to building my dream business, The Joyful Life Experiment, by applying the skills I have as a teacher, former administrator, and former district trainer (I built online platforms and developed education materials) to coach other full-time working moms how to design their dream business too in the pockets of their time.
As a full-time working mom (FTWM for short), I know what a challenge it can be to pursue your passions in the cracks of each day. But I’ve figured out a system to help you achieve your goals faster, without compromising the joy in your life.
In this post I share with you the basics to starting an online business, but from the perspective of a FTWM.

What is an online business?
According to Digital Business Law Group, “an online business is any business on the Internet that sells products, services, or advertising, online.”
The inter-webs are vast and just the thought of starting an online business can feel overwhelming. Most of us don’t go to school to learn how to create an online business. The truth…if you are not a self-starter, driven, or if you don’t like to “figure things out” on your own, then starting an online business might not be for you. And that is okay! You can be perfectly happy working at your day job and raising a family. Which is a hard job in itself. Take up a fun hobby that will make you feel complete and fulfilled, without all of the headache.
But, if you can put your entrepreneurial hat on, do a little research, and be willing to put in the time and just give it a shot, then you’ve come to the right place!
Types of Online Business
You might be wondering, What type of online business should I be starting?
There are so many types of online businesses out there. But if you’re a FTWM, here are ones you might be interested in that you could start in the pockets of your time, with the skills you might already have:
- Graphic design
- Freelance writing
- Editing
- Online store
- Coaching
- Affiliate Marketing
- Re-selling products
- Online Courses
- Ebook Selling
- Online tutoring
- Virtual Assistant
- Photography
- Podcasting
- Blogging
Check out this article on the 7 Low-Risk Businesses You Can Start Tomorrow for some more ideas.
I recommend starting with where you are at. What skills do you have that you can offer to solve a problem? Are you a graphic designer, are you a teacher, do you have a knack for editing, do you make beautiful graphic designs, are you a nutritionist? Oftentimes we don’t give ourselves credit for the talents that we already possess.
Owning an online business provides an avenue for you to share your expertise and help people solve problems. And they will pay you for it! That’s called business and it is not just for savvy entrepreneurs in expensive suits anymore.
How to get started
It’s pretty simple really. Ask yourself, “What problems do people have, that I would enjoy solving?” As a teacher, I love breaking down information into steps.
- Decide on your niche – a need or problem a group of people might have and come up with a solution that you enjoy.
- Write about solutions to this problem using your own unique voice, in your own unique way (this is how you differentiate yourself from a saturated marketplace).
- Build a simple website, with clear messaging about what you are offering and who you are serving.
- Drive traffic to your website via search engines and social media
- Establish yourself as an expert on the solution to the problem you are solving
- Build an email list of your ideal client avatar (ICA)
- Add value to your audience by offering FREE high level content, before selling anything
- Decide on your income strategy: affiliates, ads, digital courses, digital products, coaching, etc.
These are the steps that most entrepreneurs take to build a successful online business.
Tips for Success
Do your homework!
Don’t make the mistake of putting the cart before the horse. Do some market research, by searching key terms related to your niche to make sure it is something people are actually searching for. If no one is searching for your solution, then it will not be profitable later on.
Selling Tip #1
Business is all about WHAT you are selling and HOW you are selling it. You can have a whole blog about “Productivity” or “Healthy Eating,” but if you do not have a physical or digital product you are selling, then your blog is just a really helpful free resource (AKA just a hobby). Now, I am all about serving others with valuable content for free, but here’s another crazy fact…people do not value FREE stuff as much as they value something they have paid for. The article below explains the psychology behind this concept in more detail.
For more on this topic, check out the Business Insider article, “I used to give away my $2,000 product for free — and it made me realize I was overlooking a crucial part of how people view money”
Selling Tip #2
You might have the most amazing product on the planet, but if people visiting your site don’t feel like they KNOW you, LIKE you, or TRUST you, then you will not have a profitable business. So how do you achieve this magic sauce formula of KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST? One word…VALUE. Focus on providing FREE, quality content, when you first get started. You want your followers to think “Wow, if this is FREE, I wonder what the paid stuff is like?” Test your market by putting out a few compelling “Freebies” (also called opt-ins) that help solve one of their problems. The one that people opt-in to download the most is the type of paid product you should create.

Stop Making it About You!
This is actually harder than it sounds. Usually people start their own business because they want time freedom, additional income, or a creative outlet. It is all about you at first. But be careful. Your business is not like a personal social media reel of images and stories about yourself and your family. The hard truth. Nobody cares about you that much. The more clear you are on who your ideal client avatar (ICA) is, the faster you will grow your business.
Russell Brunsen, popular entrepreneur and ClickFunnels founder, urges business owners, especially those just starting out, to always think about the acronym WIIFM when building their business. People are always thinking WHAT’s IN IT FOR ME? Explain how your product or service will benefit them, more than you talk about yourself.
Some questions to ask yourself about your ICA are: How old is she? What is her background? How many kids does she have? What excites her? What repels her? What problem would she most like to be solved? Does she work? What are her values? Does she own a pet?
Knowing your ICA in depth will help you write specifically to her and you will attract the right people to your site.
Build, Build, Build Your Email List!
It is a known fact that Facebook and Instagram are constantly making changes to their algorithms, which makes it harder and harder to get your target audience to your site. Not only that, but not all of your followers are your ideal potential clients. Your email list, however, is full of true fans, who know you and like you enough to “opt-in” to receive weekly or monthly content from you. These are your people and they are more likely to buy from you.
Common Questions About Starting an Online Business
How much will it cost me?
The beautiful thing about starting an online business is that you can start almost for FREE. All you need is to purchase your domain name (website name) and hosting package. I use HostGator, but many bloggers promote BlueHost or GoDaddy. They are all pretty much the same. Just follow their steps and you can be up and running with as little as $3.95 per month. Way less than starting a traditional brick and mortar business.
Most hosting sites are compatible with (not .com), a website building platform, which is the only option I recommend for designing your website. There are other builders out there, but if you want the maximum capability to monetize your online business, then don’t take the shortcuts. Don’t be scared. There are so many “ready to go” templates out there that you can get for free. You do not need to know about coding.
I’m not an expert in anything, so how can I start a business?
Everyone feels this way at first. It’s called imposter syndrome. Oftentimes we don’t give ourselves enough credit for what we actually know how to do. Maybe you work in a sales job? Well then that makes you an “expert” in sales! And you probably know something about marketing too! Maybe you’re a teacher and a mom? Then you are an “expert” in anything related to education and time management. The truth is, you can be an expert in anything, as long as you are a chapter ahead of your ICA. Don’t overthink this part like I did. Pick something that you love to talk about and teach other people how to do the same.
How long does it take to grow an online business?
I’m not going to beat around the bush here. Plan on being in this for the long haul, which means don’t rush! As a FTWM you don’t have a lot of extra time. If you are working on your business an hour per day, then realistically it will take you about 6 months to a year to build up your business enough to make your first dollar. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the process. It is a wonderful creative outlet, labor of love…and it’s like earning a degree!
I’m Not a Writer. What do I Write About and How?
You don’t need to be a professional writer to own an online business and write a blog. I happen to be an English teacher, but that does not make me a “professional copywriter.” Your ICA will follow you because they feel like they know you. If you try to write too high level, then most people will be turned off by it. But if you write the way you speak and explain things in a simple and easy-to-follow way, your readers will find you much more relatable.
Be willing to write sucky copy for a while. It is not about “practice makes perfect,” rather, I want you to say to yourself, “Practice makes progress!”
Write about your niche and all things related to your niche. For example, if your niche is about “Growing an Edible Suburban Garden” then here are some sample topics:
- How to Start Your Own Suburban Edible Garden
- Top 5 Edible Plants to Grow During the Summer
- The Easiest Edible Vegetables to Grow in Dry Climates
- 10 Benefits to Growing an Edible Garden
Mind you, I am not a gardener and have no experience with edible gardens, but look how easy it was for me to come up with things to write about…and fun!
Is a blog a business?
Such a great question! The answer: Yes and No. A blog is just a blog if you are not selling anything. A blog is the vehicle which attracts your ICA to your website, creates a raving fan out of them by offering them a bunch of great FREE information, and turns them into customers when they eventually KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you.
For more answers to FAQs on starting a business, check out this article from, “25 Frequently Asked Questions On Starting A Business.”
Some Final Thoughts
Have fun and enjoy the process. You have that annoying whisper in your ear for a reason. Follow your instincts and just try it! If you don’t, then you will always wonder, “What if I had tried starting that online business years ago? Where would I be now?” There is no way of knowing if your idea will be successful or not, but you will never know if you don’t try.
Ask yourself: “What’s the worst that can happen if I try this?”
Answer: You just stop and move on with your life or onto something else. You also learn a lot of cool online business and marketing skills along the way.
Here’s FREE Productivity Planner to get your started!
So what about you mama? What do you secretly dream about? What is this idea you have had for years, but have been too scared to start?
I’d love to hear from you. Send me a message. Ask me a question. I promise to write back!
If you want to hear more from me, sign up for my Weekly Newsletter to get a dose of confidence and inspiration specifically for FTWM’s who dare to dream and create something amazing in the pockets of their time!
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